Thursday, November 24, 2016


I am so thankful for my horses. I feel blessed to be able to have them in my life!

On a side note, I got on Scotty bareback the other day for a short time just to see how'd he do. He was perfect! I'd love to be able to give little kids pony rides on him later on. I think he'll be great with it. He's such a good natured little guy! The hilarious thing though was that my feet were only a few inches off the ground! He's so little! 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Fluffy Fat Pony

Look how fluffy! He is literally the fattest little fluffy horse I have ever seen in my life. Just. So. Cute. I. Can't. 
So I tried something new with Scott yesterday! I eventually want him to be able to give pony rides to little kids. So I decided to start desensitizing him to that. But I do not own a saddle small enough to fit him, so I came up with my own "saddle". I found this girth that was small enough and that worked really well. And that on his back would be a fleece shipping wrap. Hey, it worked perfectly as a saddle pad! And Then I tied baling twine to the girth to tie it. Might not look pretty, but it worked. Proud of myself for MacGyver-ing it. And it didn't bother him in the slightest. I think he'll make the perfect little kids pony.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Searching for a new horse...

I am on the hunt for a horse. I haven't had a horse that was truly mine since Mya. I think I am finally ready to once again have a horse I can call my own. So the search is on! I am looking for something young and athletic. I would love to gentle my own horse and train for english riding. Perhaps it is a little ambitious. But I really want to learn to start young horses. And. Well. How can I learn if I don't give it a try! So we shall see...

In the meantime, I have a full day planned for Scott tomorrow! He has done so well up to this point,, and I think its time to add something new. I think I'm going to start getting him used to the driving harness tomorrow, and probably work on some more ground driving at the same time. He is already pretty used to being around the cart, so I think we are getting close to being able to hook him up to it! Not quite there, but close.

The one thing I hate about this time of year is how they get burrs in their manes every single day.
Maybe they do it one purpose. The vain little thing wants me to brush his hair every day...

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Checking In and Scotty Update

Long time no post!

Between work and school, lately, I have just not had the time to write anything other than papers on Greek Civilization. (You really don't want to know...) 

But I miss you guys!

So I thought I'd take a few minutes to update you all on my life.

First, Scotty is doing great! I am officially in love with the guy. He just cracks me up! The other day he was behaving so insanely hilarious because there was a new horse in the feild next to his. He galloped circles around the pasture for a solid 10 minutes! And let's admit it, those short little legs are so stinking cute. He's got the most adorable short stride ever. Like I said, it makes me laugh.

I've also taught him to free lunge in a round pen, and we've started ground driving him. He doing a great job with it! I think he's pretty smart and a fast learner. I've also started desensitizing him to the pony cart. So far it hasn't bothered him in the slightest! I can't wait until I can drive him! 

Secondly, my trainer has offered to sell me my favorite lesson horse. Do you recall the rescued OTTB that I wrote about a few months ago? That'd be the one. I love his story so much, and I strongly believe he needs to share that story with the world. Its something I am really considering. The downside is the fact that I am a poor college student, and he is solidly out of my price range. Something to think about though... But I really doubt I can make it happen.

Well, hope all of my blogging friends are doing well. Hopefully I'll have some time to check in with you again soon!

Until then!

Happy Trails.