Thursday, May 26, 2016

Heat and Horses Don't Mix

I went out to the barn for another riding lesson on Tuesday. But it turned out to be unbearably hot. I do not know if it was the heat or what, but Anna and I could not communicate with each other. Lately I've been working on improving my leg. I have a terrible habit of only using my hand to steer a horse when I ride. I believe that comes from me learning to ride on gaited horses. Needless to say I have a terrible leg when it comes to riding. So we spent pretty much the entire lesson trying to get Anna to move off my leg. Which never really happened. She kept veering off course and running into things. And the freakishly hot weather did not help. Towards the end we were both just hot and frustrated.

We both needed a major cool down by the time the lesson was over, so I ended up taking her out into the field and went on a mini trail ride. It gave us a chance to relax and just enjoy the ride a little which was super nice.

But we also decided to switch to evening lessons the rest of the summer to try and avoid the heat. One can not enjoy riding when they are afraid they are going to get heat stroke...


  1. i'm so glad you pointed out that your url had changed - i had totally missed your updates recently! Anna is adorabel!!! but yea i hear ya, riding in the heat is all kinds of distracting and not always the most fun. hopefully the evening lessons are more pleasant!

  2. I suddenly noticed that my blog was getting no views, and I was like woops! I didn't realize that would happen when you changed your url... Oh well! :D And, yes, the heat is horribly distracting when you're riding. I think riding in the evening should make a huge difference.

  3. I just don't ride when it's that hot. I'm useless.

    1. Agreed. I think I'll just avoid the heat altogether next time...

  4. Happy to read your updates again, I had been missing them!
    I ride very early in the morning or very late (near sunset) during this time of year. I've been waking up at 6am or so to ride in the last couple of days. Sucks waking up early but it's so nice to ride in the cool part of the day.

    1. That's really a great idea... if I could actually manage to drag myself out of bed in the morning... lol!
