Friday, February 15, 2013

You never know!

Owning a horse really is a journey. Its full of many different paths to take. I always wonder if I've chosen the correct one. Will it lead me somewhere I want to go? But if I never tried, I am sure that would be even worse. Like the old saying, "Its better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.". (not that I've lost anything!) Just saying I'm putting my best foot forward into this adventure!
You never know what great things could happen! :)


  1. I found a quote last summer and here it is:
    "If you never'll never know." Taco Bell Hot Sauce Packet

    Great things will happen....heck, they already have. :-)

  2. WELCOME to blogshere! I JUST found you over at Val's place"Calm,Forward,Straight".
    Adorable mare and lovely looking blog. You'll have so much fun with the cool folks horseblogging, I sure have!

    This Horse Journey is one of the best.Cheers to you and sweet mare~

    I look forward to reading of your horse times,
    KK and Wa mare~
