Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hey, Hay!

     Yesterday we had an adventure getting the horses' winter hay. We've been so busy and that was really the only day we had time to go pick up some bales. Even though it was cloudy and had a possible chance of rain we decided to go for it anyway. It was a slightly nerve racking drive on the way home as we hoped it would start raining on our large stack of hay bales in the back of the truck. But thankfully we succeeded on getting all the hay bales home and stacked in the barn without anything getting wet. Now the horses can be happy knowing they have some nice grass hay to munch on this winter.

     As a bonus after our hay adventure we had time to go riding. One of my horse loving cousins, who helped me with the hay, rode Lady while I rode Mya. We decided it would be fun to get out of the round-pen and go for a trail ride. This was the first time that Lady and Mya had been on a trail ride together. The great thing about them is that they get along really well. That makes me happy; I don't know what I would have done if they didn't like each other. The ride itself went pretty well. The only eventful thing that happened was Lady spooking at a gate that was painted red. Since she'd never been on this trail before I think she did okay with it. All she did when she spooked was spin in a circle and stop, no running off. She was a good girl about it. I mean, hey, red gates can be pretty scary sometimes can't they? Other than that she did awesome and I think it was a pretty good first trail ride for her. I'm hoping to take her out again this evening once it cools off.

Lady is on the left and Mya is on the right.

Off on our adventure!

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