Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Treat

     Because Lady tends to over eat, I have been putting her up at night in the paddock. The paddock has been working as a dry lot so that she gets only 12 hours of grazing more or less a day. This way she won't get too fat and founder. Well I went out to get her from the pasture last night to put her up and I had this idea. Wouldn't it be fun to jump on her bareback and ride her around for a bit? (I'm loving the fact that she's a lot shorter than Mya because I can actually get on her without a mounting block.) I caught her and put her halter on and then just tied the lead rope around like reins. I led Lady over to a slope in the hill so it would be easier to jump on her back. Once I was on her I just started by walking her around the pasture. Mya was funny because the whole time she just stood in the middle of the field and watched us while she continued to graze. Then I decided to trot her. That was so much fun. It took me a minute to find my balance, and Lady was such a good horse because every time I started to loose my balance she would slow down. I got used to her trot quickly though and we had so much fun trotting up and down the fence line. She behaved so well, and she was only in a halter! I was practically laughing I was have so much fun. I'll have to ride her bareback some more soon.

     I have tried several different kinds of horse treats, but I've found that these are my favorite. The horses absolutely love them! Not only do Mya and Lady love them but also Henry and even Bear. Yes, my dog loves the horse treats and begs me to give him one every I open them up. Every once in awhile I give in and give him one. What's funny about these treats is that they are actually the cheapest kind at Tractor Supply. I've tried some of the more expensive kind but my horses like these the best. I'm not going to argue about it though! The last time I got the oatmeal and raisin kind so this time we are trying the apple and carrots one. We'll see which one the zoo likes better.

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