Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Alien Ponies

     I have several different pastures and each one of them has a "name". Well the names have more to do with their size or location. At the moment the horses are in the front pasture. The front pasture is the second largest and borders our biggest pond. We keep it mowed so they have lots of lush green grass. I walked out there to check on them and they were munching away happily. Because they both have fly masks on I jokingly call them alien horses. I'm not sure they liked that a whole lot...

I call this one synchronized tail swishing. :D

     We also just picked up a horse trailer. Its a two-horse trailer that we are borrowing for the summer from a friend. I am hoping to take Mya to a couple of local shows and I would love to trailer her out to the lesson barn and take some lessons on her. But first I have to get her in the trailer and take her down to the vet to get her coggins done. I don't think she's been in a trailer in a really long time. I haven't trailered her since I got her. I plan on just taking it slow and getting her used to it. Last night we worked a little on it. I used carrots to make the experience more pleasant. I think Mya did okay. She didn't act spooky or crazy. She just wasn't thrilled about the idea of getting in it. But I think if we continue to work at it she'll end up loading fine.

It had just been washed so the trailer was still a little wet.
Mya wasn't quite sure what she thought of it.

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhh awesome that you have a trailer to use now! :D :D
